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FAMILY: family has been a strong constant throughout my life. I grew up in a close-knit family focused on church, a strong work ethic, service to others and where being kind and compassionate were strong tenets.


I want my children, their children, and future generations to grow up in a world where our differences are celebrated and not used as weapons to separate us.


WOMEN'S RIGHTS: I will fight for women’s rights to control their own reproductive health, and to keep decisions regarding their reproductive health between themselves and their physicians.


EDUCATION: With increases in the cost of living, goods and services, public schools are now finding themselves understaffed and under-resourced to address and ensure that every child can receive the best public education. Most parents cannot afford to send their children to expensive private or parochial schools, so it is imperative that our public schools be as good - or better - than the private schools.  As District 01’s next Congressman, I will fight alongside Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse, and Congressman Magaziner to secure increased federal funding for public education for our children.


I also support President Biden’s Budget plan to make historic investments which will lower housing costs, expand housing supply, expand access to affordable rental options and home ownership and advance efforts to end homelessness. I will work hard to ensure that funding for this program is increased for the state of Rhode Island.


Fighting for Rhode Island will be my first, last and only goal every day I am in Congress.  I’ve never been shy about letting my voice be heard. I have been an outspoken and progressive voice for social justice since my freshman year in High School.


I participated in the Women’s March Boston.  After the George Floyd murder, I marched with my wife and other Rhode Island physicians in the White Coats for Black Lives event at Rhode Island Hospital and Hasbro Children’s Hospital.  I have been “just practicing for a just contract” in the Teamsters fight to win a fair and just contract from UPS.  The Teamsters are working hard to win a strong agreement for “all workers” and eliminating the current two-tier wage system, resolving safety and health concerns, and protecting workers against managerial harassment.   I support their continued efforts and the efforts of unions across the country!


The United States must be a place where everyone has the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  To this end and for the sake of democracy, we must end voter suppression in GOP-controlled state legislatures. Passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and restoring the full protections of the Voting Rights Act will be one of my top priorities on Day 1. 


After 8 years of right-wing rhetoric and misinformation, four years of the most overtly corrupt administration in the history of our nation, watching our nation’s Capital under siege on January 6th, and seeing the huge disparities in our society that were laid bare by the COVID pandemic, I have decided that enough is enough.  It is time to advocate for the poor, working class, middle class, and small business owners.  As your Congressman, I will focus on the needs of my constituents and not be influenced by big corporations and the ultra-rich.   I am ready to fight for Rhode Islanders and all Americans to ensure a bright future for all!  


Rhode Island is my home, and I want every citizen to have a job that pays a living wage, access to affordable housing, access to quality/affordable healthcare and quality public education.  

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